by Debra | Aug 9, 2023 | 2023
When Faucets Go Wild 💦 Mercury Retrograde Warning in Action! 💫 This morning I went to fill my glass with water, and the handle for our RO faucet literally broke off in my hand (followed by my screams as water sprayed everywhere!). It was an early wake-up call for my...
by Debra | Jun 21, 2023 | 2023
Embrace Your Mid-Year Magic 💫 Today, at 7:57am PT / 10:57am ET the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer, and with it sets the tone and energy not only for the following month, but also heralds the Solstice – the Summer Solstice in the N. Hemisphere and Winter Solstice in...
by Debra | May 13, 2023 | 2023
A Gateway to Transformation 🌙 Have you ever been at a large get-together, observed someone walking into the room and felt the energy in the room shift? Or, perhaps you were gathered for a meal with friends or family, when someone new sat down and the conversation at...
by Debra | Apr 12, 2023 | 2023
Discover Your Solar Eclipse Magic A little transparency here… The Full Moon was last week on Wednesday the 5th and I have not (as I write this) yet done my Full Moon Journal reflection. Heck, in total honesty I didn’t even change the page on the calendar to April...
by Debra | Mar 14, 2023 | 2023
How to walk the tightrope of life with Saturn in Pisces 🪐 “Why did I ever agree to do this?!” I heard myself utter out loud – quite loudly, I might add!!! There I was, teetering over the edge of a river canyon, which felt like a mile below me. Seemed like a fun...