It’s a rare woman (or man) who—at some point—doesn’t feel stuck.
Either you begin to experience burnout, or you aren’t reaching your goals and can’t seem to get past the income plateau you’ve found yourself on.
Or, your life just doesn’t look quite like the one you envisioned for yourself.
It’s a normal part of BE-ing human, I think.
But you don’t have stay stuck.
In my work with clients, their source of feeling stuck is usually one of the following:
Lack of Clarity
When you don’t know what you reallllllly want in life, what you value, or what nurtures and supports you, these are all symptoms of a lack of clarity.
And they can stop the manifestation of your dream life in its tracks.
I had a conversation today with a client who has been feeling ungrounded and unmotivated with her self-care practice. She’s in a temporary living situation and having just moved in, her space is cluttered with boxes of stuff, her walls are cold and bare and there’s nothing that represents or feels like her.
No wonder she’s feeling the way she is!
So, she created a list of three things to begin her process. First on the list was “decluttering” her space. Then, she created a list of simple DO-able actions she can take in the next couple of weeks to make the space feel more like her, including unpacking her essential oil diffuser and hanging some art work from a recent trip to Mexico.
If you’re suffering from a lack of clarity, take a step back and do some brainstorming (or brain dumping) to get everything out in the daylight where you can see it. This alone can help you get clear on what your next step is.
Lack of Focus
If you’re clear on your goals but you’re having trouble moving forward consistently, then a lack of focus might be getting in your way.
If you end each day, or week, asking yourself “what exactly did I accomplish?”, you’re not a bad person. You’re probably just having trouble focusing on the next step that needs to happen to make your dreams come true, or, you’re possibly not focusing on the actions that will give you the “biggest bang for your buck” as they say.
Try this: With your end goal in mind, brainstorm the next physical action you can take that will move you closer to manifesting what it is you want and need.
No Excitement
Bored? Lost interest in that business or job you once loved? This happens to all of us I think at some point. It’s even more common among solo-preneurs. We see a BSO (bright shiny object) and pursue it with gusto, never spending enough time in any one endeavor to see it through to success.
It’s not that it’s wrong, as creatives we have a lot of interests. But that can actually be a source of derailment for us, too. That’s why we see so many jumping from business to business.
Staying excited about your business or career starts with having a dream that keeps you going even when you’re faced with the day-to-day drudgery that we all encounter. Not every day is going to feel like fun, but if you keep your “why” in mind, it can help you get past the dull spots.
Want to know how to easily resolve these issues (and more)? It’s a simple trick that the world’s most successful entrepreneurs have been using for decades: vision boards.
These fun and colorful tools are often just what you need to clarify your dreams, work out your next steps, and stay excited about your life, career or business.
Vision boards can be as simple as a few images clipped from a magazine and pinned to a corkboard, or as complex as a framed poster with hand-lettered quotes and personal inspiration.
The choice is yours. It’s completely personal, super fun, and best of all, it works!
Give it a try next time you’re feeling stuck!
If all of this is intriguing to you and you really like the idea of doing this as part of a group of other kindred spirits, I’m here to help. I’ve even crafted a program that assists you with all of these steps. If that sounds like something you’d like to participate in, stay tuned. Registration will open soon and I’ll let you know how you can join me in planning your year – in a whole new way!
In my next installment, I’m going to share the biggest lesson I learned in jewelry design -and how it relates to planning.
P.S. Mark your calendar now for January 21st, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm PST / 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST for our 8th Annual Co-Create Your Dream Life Virtual Retreat, an event solely dedicated to supporting you in crafting the life you love in 2023.
With good energy,
Debra Wilson Guttas, HTP, Evolutionary Astrologer, Author and Soulful Life Sherpa™
“Inspiring you to live your best life by tuning into the wisdom of your inner and outer cosmos – through inner reflection journaling, mindfulness, meditation, yoga and the magic of the Moon and her cycles.”